Devoir de Philosophie

George Orwell

Publié le 12/05/2014

Extrait du document

George Orwell George Orwell (1903-1950) is an English author. He is considered as one of the best chronicler from English literature. He works for the Indian imperial police but as he is disappointed from British imperialism, he resigns from his position. He decides to open a shop in France and begins to write. His first book, published in 1933, is "Down and Out in Paris and London". He is against British imperialism, totalitarian regime and for social justice and socialism. In 1945, he publishes «Animal Farm». This book deals with the Russian communist revolution. It is a big success. In "Nineteen Eighty-Four", out in 1949, he speaks about the risks of totalitarian regime in the future. This book raise...

« Patrol : patrouille Billboard : panneau d’affichage Control Tower : Tour de contrôle Satellite Dish : Parabole Network : Réseau Broadcast : Diffuser Barbed wire : Fil barbelé Wire : Fil électrique Stifling : Etouffant Dehumanized : Déshumanisé Ill-at-ease : Mal à l’aise Scary : Effrayant Brainwash : Lavage de cerveau Track Down : Localiser Spy on Somebody : Espionner quelqu’un Suspect sb of sth : Suspecter qu1 de qqchose Intimidate : Intimider Terrorize : Terroriser Compel sb to do sth = Oblige : Obliger Freedom of Speech and Thought : liberté d’expression et de pensée Privacy : intimité/vie privée Dictator Dictatorship = Totalitarian Regime => régime totalitaire Censorship => censure Abuse => violation Shepard Fairey CCTV The use of CCTV surveillance in public places has fueled privacy concerns.

Indeed, we can wonder if it does respect human rights and if we are ready to give up privacy and liberty to gain a little security.

This surveillance system aims to protect people from crime but doing so it controls everybody’s life.

According to me it is a big violation of your privacy.

For instance, the man watching you can know every detail of. »


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