Devoir de Philosophie


Publié le 05/09/2012

Extrait du document

This text entitled « What kind of parents we would be « is a true story about a pregnant teenager who has found a envelope with some money inside. First, she tought about keep this money for her baby who's going to born soon. But she soudenly changed her mind and decided to return this envelope to the police office. Tina Hudspeth is a young girl aged 16, unmarried and pregnant of 9 months. She doesn't have enough money to buy clothes to her baby or even to buy some fournitures for her appartment. So, one day, when she went in a store, she has found a envelope. Inside, there was some money. She was suprised to find $1200. The first thought she had is that her prayers were answered. She thought she will finally be able to buy all her baby needs with the money that she has found. It was the opportunity for her to raise her baby. But how does the person feel after losing this money ? If it was her money, she's just gonna wish that the one who will find it, give it back to her. So, after that, she decided to called and asked her mother to drive her in the police office. Right there, she gave the envelope to the police and asked them to find the one who lost their money. Daisy Burdy felt bad. She actually has lost the money she kept to pay the doctor. Her husband was ill and she doesn't know how she will pay the doctor. She doesn't have enough money anymore, even if she's working in a school cafeteria. She can't earn all the money she had lost. The police office found her and told that a young teenager had found her envelope. The honesty of the young girl made Daisy relieved and as soon as she had her enveloppe back, the story was published in the news papers and tells on TV and radio. This story made people had a good reaction and its also made them want to help her. So, most of them sent clothes for her baby, cheques to help her to raise her baby and they also write letters to support her. Everybody told her : « you'll be a good mother «.

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