Devoir de Philosophie


Publié le 22/02/2012

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From a Greek word meaning "sent out"; the earliest leaders of the Christian church. The word apostle often refers to the 12 special disciples whom JESUS "sent out" into the world. Judas Iscariot, who betrayed Jesus, was originally one of the 12; according to the NEW TESTAMENT (see BIBLE, BIBLICAL LITERATURE), GOD chose Matthias to take his place (ACTS OF THE APOSTLES 1.15–26). The word apostle, however, does not refer only to the 12 disciples. PAUL, the early missionary to the non-Jews of the Roman Empire, calls himself an apostle. He also calls James, the brother of Jesus and one of the most important leaders of the Jewish Christians in JERUSALEM, an apostle. Other writers refer to other persons as apostles. Taken most broadly, apostles are the most prominent leaders of the earliest Christian communities, regardless of whether or not they were among the original 12.

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