Devoir de Philosophie

Dialogue d'anglais 2nd

Publié le 10/01/2016

Extrait du document

Written expression Mother= Héloïse Louvrier Father= Léa Mendes Teen called Alison= Flavy Mysliwiec The girl, called Alison, was at school and she is arriving at her house. His mother and her father are watching T.V Alison: (Slamming the door) Hi Mom, hi Dad, it’s me! Mom: (looking surprised) How are you? Alison: (Sadly) I’m so b...

« Alison: But not me!! (Crossed arms) You don’t understand, D+ is catastrophic. Mom: I advise you to stop now!!! Alison: It’s so unfair! I have stupid parents! I say D+ is bad so it’s really bad! I’m going to my bed room right now without my cell phone and without eating! You aren’t punishing me so I am punishing myself!!! (Slammed the door) Alison is going to her bedroom very angry and her parents are standing in the living-room, looking worried, with arms akimbo!. »


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