Devoir de Philosophie


Publié le 29/06/2016

Extrait du document

Life in the tranches during the First World War 1914-1918 The First World War was the deadliest one. Although the technology had radically changed the nature of war in 1914, the armies had not anticipated the consequences of this change. The French and the German elaborated system of trenches facing along the front, protected by the barbed wire. The area bounded by opposing trenches (known as the no man's land) was subject to artillery fire from both sides. ...

« 2Trench systems weren’t confined to the Western Front and were established in many different territories through different fronts. Life in the trenches was very hard because of the rats, diseases such as tuberculosis, cold and noise. The soldiers could neither wash nor shave on the front line.

The soldiers were wearing different outfits depending on where they were fighting, what the weather was .

But this was not enough. The trenches were small and filled with mud and corpses.

The soldiers had often lice, and rats were stealing food and eating the corpses. During the night, the soldiers were trying to flush out the enemy because it was easier and less dangerous. During the day time, soldiers often slept or wrote letters.

Letters was the only proof of love and hope which encouraged them to hold on.. »