Devoir de Philosophie


Publié le 22/02/2012

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Greek King of Athens and father of the hero Theseus, with Aethra, daughter of King Pittheus of Troezen. Some say that the sea god, Poseidon, was AeGEUS the father of Theseus, and that possibly Aegeus and Poseidon were one and the same. When Aegeus left Troezen, Aegeus told Aethra that if a child should be born of their union, it was to be reared quietly in Troezen, with King Pittheus as guardian. Aegeus then hid his sword and sandals under a rock, telling Aethra that she was to lead the child, when it became old enough, to the hiding place so that he or she could recover the tokens of its identity. When Aegeus thought that Theseus had been killed, he threw himself into the sea that today bears his name—the Aegean Sea.