La Mousme Sitting in a Cane Chair, Half-Figure, Arles 1888 - Vincent Van Gogh
Publié le 22/02/2012
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When Van Gogh moved to Aries, he was immediately enchanted by the whole atmosphere of the Midi region of France. He was convinced that here was the place where 'the painter of the future will be a colourist such as has never existed'. Describing one of his portraits he said, 'I imagine the man...surrounded by the whole Midi. Hence the orange colours flashing like lightning...'.
Liens utiles
- Joseph Roulin Sitting in a Cane Chair, Three-quarter Length, Arles 1888 - Vincent Van Gogh
- Gauguin's Chair, Arles 1888 - Vincent Van Gogh
- Memory of the Garden at Etten, Arles 1888 - Vincent Van Gogh
- The Night Cafe, Arles 1888 - Vincent Van Gogh
- Sower with a Setting Sun, Arles 1888 - Vincent Van Gogh