The Yellow Books, Paris 1881 - Vincent Van Gogh
Publié le 22/02/2012
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Van Gogh was a cultured man and read a great deal: Balzac, Hugo, the Goncourts, Shakespeare, Dickens, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Michelet, Bunyan, Zola and other modern authors. He was also quite well read in the Bible, as one would expect of the son of a clergyman, particularly the New Testament, and he had studied some Latin and Greek, which he found difficult.
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- Vincent van Gogh I INTRODUCTION Church at Auvers by Van Gogh Dutch artist Vincent van Gogh spent the last months of his life in Auvers-sur-Oise, near Paris, under the care of Dr.
- Portrait of Theodorus Van Gogh (Van Gogh's father), Etten 1881 and Portrait of the Artist's Mother (from a photograph), Arles 1888 - Vincent Van Gogh
- The Yellow House, Arles 1888 - Vincent Van Gogh
- The Bridge in the Rain and Flowering Plum Tree, Paris 1887 (after Hiroshige) - Vincent Van Gogh
- Noon: Rest, St-Remy 1890 and The Sower, Etten 1881 (after Millet) - Vincent Van Gogh