Devoir de Philosophie


Publié le 22/02/2012

Extrait du document

The Arabic word for GOD; specifi cally, the designation for God in ISLAM. The basic Islamic attitude to God is given in the profession of faith: "There is no god but God [Allah]." Islam emphasizes the unity of God. In doing so, it explicitly rejects as polytheistic Christian notions that God is a TRINITY and that JESUS was divine. In Islam, God is the creator of the universe and its eternal ruler. It is the duty of all creatures, including human beings, to submit to his will. (Muslims speak of God in the masculine.) God has revealed his will through a line of prophets. This line culminates in the prophet MUHAMMAD. Islam also looks forward to a RESURRECTION of the dead. At that time God will welcome the righteous into the gardens of paradise. Allah is not the only designation for God in Islam. Muslims also recognize 99 "most beautiful names." One of them, al-Rahman, occurs at the beginning of almost every sura or section of the QUR'AN: "In the name of God, al-Rahman [the merciful], al-Rahim [the compassionate]." The highest form of art in Islam is calligraphy, artistic writing. Ideal subjects for this art include verses from the Qur'an about God and his most beautiful names.

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