Devoir de Philosophie

devotion, devotionalism

Publié le 22/02/2012

Extrait du document

Religious acts and inward attitudes marked by deep emotional feelings of awe, love, and fervent commitment to GOD. Movements like BHAKTI in HINDUISM, HASIDISM in JUDAISM, or the spirit of St. FRANCIS OF ASSISI and Franciscanism pietism and much of Evangelicalism in CHRISTIANITY may be regarded as devotional. The devotionalist typically centers WORSHIP, in the mind and often on the ALTAR, on a vivid, precise representation of the divine in some form: the god KRISHNA, the Sacred Heart of JESUS, CHRIST on the cross, and god in one's own heart. Simple prayers, chants, and moving hymns, and even the dance of PENTECOSTALISM are among the varied expressions of devotion, though it may also be subjective and free-form. Devotional attitudes and movements have done much to keep religion alive throughout the ages.