Devoir de Philosophie


Publié le 22/02/2012

Extrait du document

Roman An ancient culture that thrived in west central Italy from as early as the eighth to the fourth centuries b.c. Etruria was northwest of Rome. Archaeologists and historians have concluded that Etruria was not a kingdom or nation as much as a people who shared a culture and a language and lived in what are now the regions of Tuscany and Umbria. The history and development of the Etruscans, who joined their cities into a loose confederation or cooperative, overlaps with that of their neighbors, the people of the city of Rome. The last three kings of Rome, the Tarquins, were immigrants from Etruria. They ruled in the 500s b.c. Some scholars believe the stories of their reign are as much a part of legend and mythology as of history. After expelling the last of these kings in about 509 b.c., the Romans formed their first republic and elected their first leaders. Eventually, the Romans conquered the cities of Etruria and absorbed that culture into their own. The ancient gods of the Etruscans influenced the formation and development of the classical Roman religion. Many Roman gods and goddesses, such as Saturn and Diana, were first Etruscan deities. The Estruscans were highly regarded for the ability of some of their people to see into the future. This gift, known as divination or divining, involved elaborate ceremonies and rituals that enhanced their ability to read in the signs of the Earth the intentions of the gods. This knowledge helped the Roman leaders make major decisions. Divination was a key element in helping the Romans determine when to bring the power of a Greek god or goddess into their own culture.

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