Devoir de Philosophie

oliver twist

Publié le 04/10/2015

Extrait du document

Oliver Twist Chapter 1 In this first chapter we, learn that Oliver Twist was born in the workhouse, a house for people who had no money and nowhere to live. His mother was ill, she kissed her son and then dies. Nobody knows where she came from or where she was going. The doctor and an old woman thought she wasn't married because she had no ring on her finger. Mr. Bumble decided the name of the baby, would be Oliver Twist A few years later, Oliver Twist was 9 years old; he was pale and thin, people in the workhouse didn't give him much food. The master served the soup and one day Oliver wanted another bowl of soup. The master became very angry. The workhouse decided to give five pounds to anybody who would take Oliver Twist. Chapter 2 In this short second chapter Mr. Bumble took Oliver to Mr. Sowerberry (who sells coffins). But Oliver didn't want to go there. The Sowerberry family gave Oliver a plate of dog's food, but he ate this plate very quickly. After, he went to bed into a room full of coffins. The next morning he met Mr. Noah, whom he will work with. Chapter3 Oliver doesn't feel well with Noah and Mrs. Sowerberry. Noah is very nasty to Oliver, at one point he says rude things about his mother. Oliver started hitting Noah, but Mrs. Sowerberry came and Oliver got beaten. Then they put him in the dark room. Mr. Bumble recommended to give him only soup. After a sad night he took a few clothes in a handkerchief, and he went out of this house. Chapter 4 Oliver didn't know where to go, he took the road to go to the workhouse. In front of the workhouse he met an old friend? He continued his way. He saw a stone that showed that it was just seventy miles from that place to London. And he decided to go to London with a piece of bread, few clothes, and a penny. He walked during seven long days. When he was in a little town near London, he sat on a doorstep because there was blood on his feet. A boy came to talk to Oliver and offered him his help because he knew a place where he could sleep. This boy was called Jack Dawkin. Oliver went in the house of a friend of Jack called Fagin. Then Oliver slept at Fagin's home. Chapter 5 In this chapter five, Oliver woke up from a long sleep. Without knowing that Oliver was awake, Fagin took out of a secret hole in the floor a box with gold items. Fagin saw him and said "I am an old man now, and I have nothing else" After Jack and Charley Bates came and brought to Fagin two bags and a handkerchief. They were playing a game, but in reality they taught Oliver to steal in people's pockets. He learned to take the marks out of the handkerchiefs. Chapter 6 Oliver began to want to go out with the other boys and Fagin accepted. The three boys left the house, and they walked in the city? Suddenly Oliver saw Dawkins put his hand into an old man's pocket to take a handkerchief. Dawkins and charley ran away, but Oliver didn't understand immediately what he had to do. And he was arrested by a police officer. The book store owner who saw the scene told the police officer that Oliver wasn't the thief. Oliver will be freed. Mr. Brownlow takes Oliver to his home. Meanwhile Fagin was very worried. Oliver was actually with the police and he could tell all about him. Chapter 7 Oliver twist spent few weeks in Mr. Brownlow's house and he was quite ill, when he was better he talked with Mrs. Bedwin about a picture of a lady on the wall. He loved this house because everything was quiet, clean and tidy. He had new clothes and everything he needed. Mr. Brownlow wanted to know Oliver's life and what he had done before. One day Mr. Brownlow gave to Oliver some books to return to the library with a five pound note. Mr. Brownlow's friend told Mr. Brownlow that Oliver would not comeback because he had new clothes and money in his pocket. Chapter 8 Oliver was on the road to went to the bookstore, when suddenly he heard Someone Shouting "oh, my dear brother!" Bill Sikes came and took Oliver away. In the street he pretended to be his father. They took him in a house where Fagin was. Oliver was beaten and then he went to bed. Fagin and Bill wanted burgle a house and they needed Oliver to go through a small window. CHAPTER 9 Sikes came to pick up Oliver from Fagin's house, Oliver was scared and didn't know what was going to happen. Oliver and Sikes walked a long time in the cold night and Sikes took him to an old house in the country where another thief was waiting for them. Oliver was exhausted and scared and Sikes threatened him with his gun. In the middle of the night they went to another house that intended to burgle using Oliver to get through a window. Oliver got shot by two men as he got in. The two thieves left him unconscious in the middle of a field under the rain. CHAPTER 10 Morning came and Oliver woke up in pain his left arm covered in blood. He walked to the nearest house and knocked at the door, it was in fact the house Sikes had tried to burgle. A young lady, Rose, and her aunt lived there and they called the doctor and he recovered. The ladies decided not to send him to prison and to keep him. He learnt to read and write, was very happy and spoilt with them and didn't feel scared anymore. For Oliver it was a completely new life. Chapter 11 After a few months, summer came. Oliver grew up, and he was the same sweet boy as before. Rose fell seriously ill, Mrs Maylie decided to write a letter to Dr. Losberne. As Oliver went to the inn to give the letter for the doctor he fell against a man who was strange and frightening. He then ran away as quick as possible. The doctor came and said that Rose was not going to die but was seriously ill. She ill for months and Oliver was very troubled by the events. Every day rose grew better. One evening, Olivier saw and heard Fagin with another man at his window, and they saw him, but nobody found the two men. Chapter 12 A dark man in a black coat came to see Mr. Bumble. It was the man that Oliver had seen at the inn, and after behind his window with Fagin. This stranger, called Monks, wanted to see the old woman who looked after Oliver's mother. She was called Sally. Mr. Bumble told him Sally was dead, but she had an old friend who probably knew something. Monks learnt that the young mother gave to Sally a small gold locket and a wedding ring. Oliver's mother was called Agnes because it was written on the ring. Monks took those jewels and He threw them in the river. Chapter 13 Bill Sikes was on bed, because he had been sick for several weeks, the disease had not improved his mood. Fagin went into the room and said to Bill that he wanted to get Oliver back. And that it was the right time because Oliver, Miss Maylie and her aunt were in a hotel in London. Bill wanted Nancy to help him to get Oliver back. Monks entered and spoke in private with Fagin. Then Fagin gave to Nancy some money for Bill. Chapter14 In this chapter Nancy decides to visit Rose to tell her that Fagin wants to get back Oliver. She went to Rose's house without Bill knowing it. When Nancy told her story to Rose, she felt sorry for her, she didn't want her to leave. But Nancy was in love with Bill and she didn't want to stay here. Nancy wanted Rose to protect Oliver. We also learn that Monks was the brother of Oliver Twist. Chapter 15 Oliver was in London with Rose, they decided to visit Mr. Brownlow. Rose wanted to tell to Mr Brownlow about the visit of Nancy. He thought that it was very strange. Rose didn't want to wait next Sunday to see Nancy. Oliver was very happy to see Mr. Brownlow and Mrs. Bedwin again. Chapter 16 At the beginning of this chapter Sikes is very violent with Nancy, he pushed her and hit her, while Fagin was in the same room. Then, when he left Fagin said to Nancy that he could get Sikes in jail. The next day, Mr Brownlow and Rose met Nancy to talk about Oliver and about Monks. Nancy gave them some information about Monks to find him. Chapter 17 Fagin is very worried for Nancy. When she went on the bridge to see Rose and Mr Brownlow she had been followed by Noah (who works now with Fagin). After, Noah told Sikes everything that took place. He became very angry, he went to see Nancy and killed her hitting her head with his pistol. Chapter 18 In the morning Sikes cleaned the blood, and went out of the city with his dog. He got to the country and slept in a field, then he went the nearest village and ate in the local inn. There he heard people talking about a terrible murder in London. He started to feel fear and decided to go back to London where he thought the police would not look for him. There Fagin would help him to run away to France. On the way he tried to kill his dog but he ran away.

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