Devoir de Philosophie


Publié le 01/04/2013

Extrait du document

First name : SamySurname :Provost American states Location on the map State : Pennsylvania Information Key-words Population There are 12 702 379 hab. (2010) 12 702 379 hab State nickname His nickname is The Keystone State The Keystone State State capital His nickname is Harrisburg Harrisburg Flag : Flag meaning It is a grouping of several symbole of America Grouping Date when it entered the union He has joined the union in 1789 1789 Borders: His Borders is : -> New-York in North -> Ohio in West -> West Virgina in South -> Maryland in South -> Delware in South -> New Jersey in East -> New-York in North -> Ohio in West -> West Virgina in South -> Maryland in South -> Delware in South -> New Jersey in East State motto : His Motto is : Virtue, Liberty, Independence Virtue, Liberty, Independence 5 largest cities : Yhe 5 largest cities are : -> Philadelphia -> Pittsbergh -> Allentown -> Erie -> Reading 5 Famous residents : The 5 famous residents are : -> Edgar Allen Poe(Poet), -> Benjamin Franklin(Politicien), -> James Willson(Actor), -> Will Smith(actor), -> Kobe Bryany ( Basket-ball player) 3 Famous sport teams ( NBA / NFL / MLB / NHL ....) NBA : 76ers, NFL : Pittsburgh steelers, MLB : Pittsburgh Pirates Main attractions : Tourism, industries ,Sport is the main attraction Food specialities : Bannana split and scrapple is specialities food of pennsylvania Famous companies: Certain Teed is a famous compagnie, in which work Saint Gobins Compagnie 3 interesting facts : The 3 intersting facts are : -> Declaration of independence -> The article of confederation -> The United State constitution

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