Devoir de Philosophie

Gulf of Tonkin Resolution (text of resolution) In August 1964 North Vietnamese boats fired on an American destroyer in the Gulf of Tonkin.

Publié le 26/05/2013

Extrait du document

Gulf of Tonkin Resolution (text of resolution) In August 1964 North Vietnamese boats fired on an American destroyer in the Gulf of Tonkin. When two American ships reported a second attack, the United States Senate responded by authorizing increased military activity in the region. The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution marked a turning point in U.S. involvement in Vietnam, giving President Lyndon Johnson broad authority to expand the U.S. war effort. Congress repealed the resolution in 1970 after critical reassessments of the Gulf of Tonkin incident and of the Vietnam War. In 1973 Congress also attempted to curb the president's power to send troops into combat with the War Powers Resolution. Herbert S. Parmet

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