Devoir de Philosophie

Is it always a good thing to tell the truth ?

Publié le 25/01/2013

Extrait du document

Devoir Anglais : Sujet Bac n°15 : Is it always a good thing to tell the truth ? In front of the responsability to announce a bad new (serious disease, adultery etc.), we have to ask ourselves the following question : is it always a good thing to tell the truth ? The idea that it is a good thing to tell the truth is admitted. But when the truth seems unbearable to hear we can wonder if this prohibition must be always respected. For example, when we are confronted to a person whose the disease’s diagnosis is very bad, even fatal, when it reduces the life expectancy in some years or a few months, what we have to do ?  Would not it be more human to not inform exactly the person about it to be able to maintain her hopes, or on the contrary we have...

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