Devoir de Philosophie


Publié le 07/02/2012

Extrait du document




The experimental city is planned as a totally new town-with the accent on new. Unlike most of the nation's other new communities, it will not be an instant suburb of another city. Instead, MXC will nestle in the wilderness as a self-contained entity, serving as a living laboratory for the most advanced ideas in urban planning, environment and technology. Planners expect that 130,000 jobs could be created in MXC, mainly in research-oriented industries like environmental technology and communications...


« In their place will be "megastructures" complete with their own housing units, streets and transit systems.

While ali this might sound like a futurist vision, the truth is that the planners have looked hack as often as forward.

Their stress is on old­ fashioned values- "good food, good friends, and a good rela­ tionship with the earth ", Pinney sa ys.

That means a return to windmills for sorne electrical power, to cottage industries for sorne employment, to a feeling of community through the inti­ mate clustering of neighborhoods.

From Time Magazine, 1974.


Commentaire dirigé 1) In what way will MXC be different from other new towns? 2) What does the architect mean by "a rural-urban balance"? 3) To what problems in present towns does this city pretend to give a solution? 4) Is this solution satisfactory according to y ou? 2.

Version Traduire depuis "MXC will look ...

" jusqu'à " ...

driverless minibuses".

1) In what way will MXC be different from other new towns? Because it will be built according to the advanced ideas of modem research about urban planning, environment, techno­ logy and psychology, MXC will be the "newest new town".

Its location in the wilderness and not in the suburbia of another city will be in itself revolutionary.

The problems of energy and pollution will also be easily met.

And to provide more pleasurable conditions of !ife, the center of the city will be roofed over.

In no other city will the citizens be able to live without overcoats ali year around.

As factories will be inplanted in residential districts, people will benefit from. »


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