Devoir de Philosophie

problems associated with water shortage

Publié le 04/01/2014

Extrait du document

Problems associated with water Most of the world's population have running water and most people have never known the life that some live to find water. Half of the population lives in places where clean water is not easily available and accessible. In India, and in many other places around the world, drinkable water has become really coveted and rare. Some people think that problems associated with drinkable water could create tensions between countries that have the same sources. For instance, Because 5 countries need to draw water from the Aral Sea, its size has decreased by more than 75%. A lot of countries are building dams on rivers to hog more water fo...

« In Iran a group of farmers destroyed a water pump station that was carrying water away from their area to another city.

So we can see that the world’s water problems can be the source of conflicts Climate change has also exacerbated water issues worldwide.

In fact, climate change is drying up lakes, rivers and seas everywhere.

In Australia, for example, a heat wave created wildfires and critical water shortages.

In some places, it’s just too dry, and people who live there need to move kms away to find water, a water that is not necessary drinkable.

Other nations have water less than 10 feet deep, but they can’t know that because they don’t have any machines to detect water so they spend their day bringing water to their family.

For these populations it’s already hard to find water but the population increase makes their martyrdom harder every day. As the population increases, so do water needs.

Man doesn’t take care of the earth and more and more water sources are polluted, which makes it. »


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