Devoir de Philosophie

battle of hasting

Publié le 02/12/2012

Extrait du document

The Battle of Hastings Introduction: The document to be commented upon is a text entitled "the battle of Hastings". It was written by William of Malmesbury who was a monk and librarian of Malmusbury. He was considered as the best chronicler of all the 12th century. Besides his father was Norman and his mother was English. Besides his father was Normand and his mother was English. This text talk about the story of battle of Hastings that was fought on the 14th October 1066, dealing with the struggle between the English Army of Harold II Saxon king of England and the Norman army of Duke William of Normandy also known as William the Conqueror after the Battle of Hastings ; he was a distant cousin of Edward The Confessor , one of the last Anglo-Saxon kings of England . It was an event significant who completely changed the course of English history. This text raises the followings questions: why did the Duke William of Normandy invade England and what are the consequences on England society? In what follows, we will focus on our attention first upon the historical Background and the course of the battle; then make an analysis of both sides of social habits (that is to say: the Anglo-Saxons and Normans 'social habits) So, let's start with the first point: I/ a) What lead to the Battle of Hastings is the fact that William wanted the English throne after Edward died in 1066. However, when Edward died, he didn't bequeath the throne to William but the throne of Edward passed to Harold Godwinson. It was then William invaded England to become king and claim the throne from Harold. Thus, William prepared an invasion fleet and declared his to the throne. But Harold set up his defense at the top of...

« England should fall into the hands of the Normand because for him it is the decision of god.

Therefore War and god are linked .

Indeed for William you couldn’t go to war if God is not with you.

Moreover, I quote: “William was ready to encourage his soldiers by his voice and by his presence ready to encourage his soldiers by his voice and by his presence» paragraph 5, line 43.

As regards Harold, he was able to strike down both a horse and rider with a single blow.

Harold fought like an ordinary soldier.

Another soldier gashed his tight with a sword to make sure that he was dead; it was shameful for Harold.

In fact, this is considered like disrespect for code of honor.

In fact you cannot beat a man who is lay down .

For Harold, the best way to die was in the Battle fields.

Thus we learn that a hero do not afraid death. Transition : therefore, trough this battle, we can deal with the influence of Norman in England culture and their vices as well as their virtues. II/ a) The author introduces Anglo-Saxon in a derogatory way (pejorative).

The arrival of Norman has completely changed the Anglo-Saxon’ way of life.

Nevertheless, the society remained divided in three differents casts : the nobility, the clergy and the commons.

First, the nobility concentrates their attentions on religion and let war in secondary place.

Even if they just went to “heard matins and masses» Paragraph 8, line 74.

However, they are idleness and delight in luxury and wantonness (I quote: “the nobility, given up to luxury and wantonness”) paragraph 8, line 72.

Secondly, the clergy is respected to their profession and their will to stay in the right path.

Nevertheless, “the monk mocked the rule of their order by fine vestments and the use of every kind of food” as it is said in the paragraph 8, line 71.

Finally, the author focuses on the drunkenness of the commonality.

In fact, the main vice was alcohol their basis weakness.

In this way, the author tries to call attention to the fact that: drinking is a part of life of warriors and they drunk regularly, they drink till they sick (I quote: «drink till they were sick” paragraph 10, line 88.89 ).

The author qualifies it as a “universal practice” paragraph 9, line 79.

They are spendthrift and spent all their money in women and gold jewelry for themselves.

In this way, they are always in the need of money.

The appearance of the English seems to be artificial (mannered) and extravagant.

As the description of the English in the 10 paragraph shows «they had their hair cropped, their beards shaven, their arms laden with gold bracelets”, line 86.87) .

The author introduces Anglo-Saxon in a negative way.

Nevertheless he doesn’t want categorize the English.

Although he wrote 5 paragraphs, emphasizing on vices of the English.

Transition: we must now be interested in the Normans description drawn by the author. b) What strike us is the fact that the author paints a picture of Normans in an ambiguous way which shows that he doesn’t have many statements to tell about Normans even though he is himself Norman.

Like the Anglo-Saxon, the Normans have also faults and qualities.

First it is useful to see on the one hand that the Normans seem to be exceptional/special and sophisticated in their way of life as it is mentioned in 11 paragraph (line 97) I quote: “exceedingly particular in their dress and delicate in their food, but not so to excess”; they are manipulative persons as the author puts it out in line 4 I quote: “ready to use stratagem or to corrupt by bribery” paragraph 11, line 99.. »


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