Devoir de Philosophie

Le poète est-il celui qui choisit de partir pour un ailleurs ?

Publié le 21/03/2012

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Volume 1: UXL Encyclopedia of Native American Tribes Volume 1: UXL Encyclopedia of Native American Tribes Sharon Malinowski, Anna Sheets, Linda Schmittroth: Books.

"Seminole Tribe of Florida - History, Indian Removal." Seminole Tribe of Florida.


                I used only two sources for the project, one of them being an Encyclopedia by Sharon Malinowski, Anna Sheets and Linda Schomittroth while the second was the official site of the Seminole Tribe of Florida. Both of them talked about the history and treaties in great depth, the book more so then the site, and the facts backed each other up perfectly. While reading both parts, I didn’t notice anything contradict each other and seeing at how important both sources are, it would seem that they would be reliable.

                The site talked about the relations with the growing power of the United States in detail. The three main treaties that effected the Seminole tribe were referred to while the numbers of men or even the chiefs were the same as in the book. The only problem I might have found in it would be that it could be slightly biased. The site is dedicated to the descendants of the Seminole tribes ever since the United States left them and so it would only be logical that the site would be taking their side instead of the American one.

                The same problem could be seen in the book. Even if the authors might or not have been of American Indian origin, they still would have sided with the natives more so then the colonists.

                That would have to be the only problem I found in the sources. They were reliable and the facts seemed to fit. 

Il est donc celui qui choisit de permettre aux autres de s’évader de leurs quotidiens et d’oublier leurs idées fixes et arrêtées pour arriver à se détacher du monde réel et entrer dans le sien ; son monde imaginaire. De plus comme l’écriture poétique est  particulière chacun peut donner son interprétation du poème. Par conséquent le poète peut modeler une partie du monde où il « envoie « son lecteur mais m’autre partie reste réservée à l’interprétation personnelle par le lecteur du poème. 

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