cALydoniAn boAr hunt
Publié le 17/01/2022
Extrait du document
Greek The boar
was a ferocious creature sent by the goddess Artemis
to ravage Calydon, an ancient city in Aetolia, in
western Greece. Oeneus, the king of Calydon,
had offended the goddess by failing to offer her
proper sacrifices. She sent the boar as punishment.
Meleager, the son of Oeneus, sought to kill the
boar. He sent messengers far and wide asking princes
and sportsmen to come to his aid. Among those that
came were the hero of Athens, Theseus; his friend
Peirithous; Jason; and Atalanta. Atalanta, the only
woman in the hunt, was the first to wound the boar,
which was finally killed by Meleager. He presented
the boar's hide to Atalanta, thus causing anger and
quarrels among the men.
The Calydonian Boar Hunt is a heroic saga that
first appears in Homer's iliAd.
Liens utiles
- POÈMES NARRATIFS Leigh Hunt (résumé)
- BASES PHYSIQUES DE L’HÉRÉDITÉ (Les) Thomas Hunt Morgan (résumé & analyse)
- Hunt, William Holman - vie et oeuvre du peintre.
- Morgan Thomas Hunt , 1866-1945, né à Lexington (Kentucky), biologiste américain.
- Hunt James Henry Leigh.