Publié le 22/02/2012
Extrait du document
Jupiter (Iupiter; Jove) (Jove) Roman The
supreme god of the Roman pantheon; son of Saturn
and Ops; husband of Juno. Jupiter was an ancient
sky god of Latium, in central Italy, before the rise of
Roman power. He was master of thunder, lightning,
rain, and light, and also the giver of victory and peace.
Jupiter was the special protector of Rome. Eventually,
he became the supreme god of the Romans.
Jupiter was the principal god of the two divine
trios worshiped by the Romans. The older trio, Jupiter,
Mars, and Quirinus, were worshiped in the early
years of Rome as a regional power. As Rome grew to
a republic and a great military power in the Mediterranean,
the religion changed and people worshiped
Jupiter as the most powerful member of the supreme
trio that included Juno and Minerva.
Romans built great temples to Jupiter on the
Capitoline Hill.
Jupiter is also the name of the largest planet in our
solar system.
Liens utiles
- FORMATION DE JUPITER Comme toutes les autres planètes du système solaire, Jupiter est née il y a environ 4,5 milliards d'années Jupiter se serait formé petit à petit par agrégation de roches et de glaces.
- Le personnage de JUPITER
- Le pilier des Nautes Le pilier des Nautes est une colonne monumentale gallo-romaine érigée en l'honneur de Jupiter (Jupiter, est le dieu romain qui gouverne la terre et le ciel, ainsi que tous les êtres vivants s'y trouvant.
- Symphonie Jupiter [Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart] - analyse de l'oeuvre musicale.