Publié le 17/01/2022
Extrait du document
(Virgin) Greek One of the constellations;
sixth sign of the Zodiac, named for the maiden Erigone,
who hanged herself from a tree after finding
the grave of her murdered father, Icarius of Attica.
The gods took Erigone up to the heavens and transformed
her into the constellation Virgo.
Liens utiles
- Virgo (Virgin) Greek One of the constellations; sixth sign of the Zodiac, named for the maiden Erigone, who hanged herself from a tree after finding the grave of her murdered father, Icarius of Attica.
- Le miroir de Narcisse Guillaume de Machaut Inviolata genitrix, Félix Virgo, Ad
- Le miroir de Narcisse Guillaume de Machaut Inviolata genitrix, Félix Virgo,