Devoir de Philosophie


Publié le 09/02/2021

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?SERIOUSLY SERIES PAGES 110/111 1) Question 1: List all the words that come to your mind when you think about TV series. Give about 10 words or phrases (expressions). Netflix, Actor, Oscar, Script, Special effect, DVD, Film Studio, Emmy Awards, Reality show, Soap Opera, Season, Sitcom and Streaming. Then do the crosswords (worksheet 20). (See attachment) 2) Discover: link to the video if necessary: Sum up the main aspects of the series. Where and when, who does what and why? The characters (can you name them and say who they are precisely, some are alluded to), the context, the period (historical period), country, major events. This series takes place in England, during the reign of Queen Elisabeth II. The character are the Queen Elisabeth II, her husband, Philip, Duke of Edinburg, Prime Minister Churchill, Princess Margaret (Elisabeth?s sister), Tommy Lascelles (= Queen?s private secretary), Martin Charterin ( courtier of Queen Elisabeth II), royal?s family, King George VI of England ( Elisabeth and Margaret?s father), people of colonies, Sir Antho Eden ( Prime minister after Churchill), Queen Mary ( Elisabeth and Margaret?s grandmother), Queen Elisabeth I ( Elisabeth and Margaret?s mother and King George VI?s wife), the members of English parliament, Peter Townsend ( Margaret?s boyfriend), Prince Charles during his childhood ( Elisabeth?s son). She married Philipp, Duke of Edinburg in 1947. We see that Elisabeth went to British Colonies before learning her father died and that she will be the next Queen. When Elisabeth father died, she became the Queen in 1952 and kept her name Elisabeth. After Martin Charterin proposed her to choose her name. Her coronation was shown on TV, it was the first time. Their family life wasn?t easy because Elisabeth had two roles, wife and Queen. It was difficult for Philipp to accept superiority and kneel before her. So, the capot had some problems and finally Elisabeth decided that crown must always win. At another moment in the trailer a relationship appears between Elisabeth sister, Margaret, and Peter Townsend. Elisabeth who disapprove this relationship will do her best to end it and Margaret will became angry against her. The historical period of the trailer is after the second World War until 21 th century. 3) Play Matching game. match each poster with the information given in worksheet 21. (See attachment)