Devoir de Philosophie

Oral Bac Anglais, Seats and Forms of Power

Publié le 10/02/2016

Extrait du document

I'm going to present you the notion "Seats and Form of Power".In politics and social sciences, power is the ability to influence people's behavior. Power is often represented throught a place, like the White House or Buckingham Palace. It can take different forms such as the power of media. The press is commonnly called the 4th power, the three other powers being the executive, legislative and judicial powers. The media is one of the most powerfull tool to spread news all around the world with high efficiency. But nowadays some governements are still hiding information to their population such as the North Corea. So, How is exercing the power of media all around the World and what problems does it encounter ? Firstly, we will talk about the Power of media. Next, we will present the risks and censorship, and ...

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