Devoir de Philosophie


Publié le 22/02/2012

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The most important god of the ancient Canaanites. The BIBLE records confl icts between the priests of Baal and prophets of the Israelite god YHWH ("the Lord"). Texts from ancient Ugarit discovered in the 20th century present the god in a more positive light. Baal is actually a general word meaning "lord." In religious contexts, the specifi c lord in question is usually the Canaanite god of rain, dew, and fertile fi elds (see CANAANITE RELIGION). This god is said to ride on the clouds. He is also called "Prince Baal." In Semitic languages, the phrase is Baal zebul. From it the NEW TESTAMENT derived the term "Beelzebul" (e.g., Matthew 10.25; Mark 3.22; Luke 11.15, 18–19). But it used the term simply to refer to the chief demon; any reference to the Canaanite god had been lost. Baal was the king of the gods, a position that he took from the god of the sea, Yamm. The Canaanites worshipped him as present in many local sanctuaries. As a result, some texts speak of Baals in the plural. The Canaanites also thought that Baal fought with the god of death, Mot. The outcome of this struggle determined whether successive periods of seven years would be fertile or barren.

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