Devoir de Philosophie


Publié le 07/02/2012

Extrait du document


We were determined to be in the fashion, and to visit the various delightful watering-places on Long Island Sound (2). With the exception of begging our food, which would not be difficult, seeing that the boarding bouses were full, there was no reason why we should not get as much enjoyment out of life as the summer visitors. We would share with them the same sun and breeze, we could dip in the surf at our own pleasure, and during the beat of the day we could stretch our limbs in the green shade, or in the shadow of sorne large rock that overlooked the sound (2)... What a glorious time we bad; the people catered for us as though we were the only tramps in the world, as if they considered it providential that we should cali at their bouse for assistance. Fresh water springs were numerous, gushing joyously out of the rocks, or lying quiet in shady nooks; ...

« who would not work if we bad the chance.

However true this might be as applied to us in a moral sense, it certainly was not a literai fact, for we were small men.

People who, not seeing us, would read this remark in the local paper, would be misled as to our personal appearance.


H.- DA VIES, The autobiography of a super tramp.


Commentaire dirigé 1) Pick out details in the text showing that there really are "delightful watering-places on Long Island Sound".

2) For what other reasons was that part of the country a well­ chosen place for tramps to live in? 3) Are you surprised at the disastrous end of the tramps' vacation, or do you think it normal? Say why.

4) What do you think of the sentence passed by the judge? What were the two men guilty of? 5) Were the tramps as happy as ali that (as happy as they pretended they were) or is the au thor being humorous? Say why.


Version Translate from "Alas, what a disastrous end was ours ...

" down to " ...

misled as to our persona! appearance".

1) Pick out details in the text showing that there are really "delightful watering places on Long Island Sound".

Long Island Sound is a delightful place because it combines • the advantages of the sea: "surf, rocks".

- the two tramps can jump and play in the surf as in the waves of the sea.

They have more fun than in a normal river.

- the rocks provide a picturesque element in the landscape, and create beautiful sights when they overlook the sound.. »


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