Devoir de Philosophie


Publié le 22/02/2012

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Alcmene Greek Daughter of Electryon, king of Mycenae; granddaughter of the hero Perseus; wife and cousin of Amphitryon; mother of Heracles (by Zeus) and of Iphicles (by her husband). While her husband was at war, the god Zeus disguised as Amphitryon, visited Alcmene. According to Hesiod, Alcmene was a most virtuous woman and would not have entertained Zeus had he appeared as himself. Zeus realized this, and wanting to sire a champion for both gods and humans, he wooed Alcmene as if he were her husband. It is said that the experience was so enjoyable that Zeus, with his magic, made one night last the length of three. The next morning, Amphitryon returned from war and mated with his wife, who then also conceived a mortal son, Iphicles. Alcmene bore the hero Heracles, son of Zeus on one day and his twin brother the next day. When Alcmene died, many years later, Zeus had her taken to the Islands of the Blessed, where she married Rhadamanthus.

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