Devoir de Philosophie

LORD OF WAR (film)

Publié le 05/03/2012

Extrait du document

We will present a film called Lord of war. This film is an American feature film which is released in January the 4th in 2006. He was directed by Andrew niccol in 2005. The main actors are Nicolas cage, Jared Leto and Ethan hawak.

A little-known consequence of the end of the cold war was the enormous quantity of arms that suddenly became available for sale by former Soviet states to developing countries (especially in Africa) and the vast sums of money made by the arms dealers who sold them. Many believe it is the greatest heist of the 20th Century. In Ukraine alone between 1982 and 1992 over $32 billion in arms were stolen. No culprit has ever been caught or prosecuted.

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