Devoir de Philosophie


Publié le 05/12/2012

Extrait du document

American Dream- Final Task- Pair Work You have to prepare an interview with a Mafioso. You have done something that really upsets him and you're trying to calm him down. Write a small scene in which one character is the Mafioso and the other character is talking to him. Don't forger that this is an intimidation scene. You will play your dialog in front of the class ! Weedy Van Leewelzy in a spy. She works for Nos Alamos gang. She comes from Netherlands and she has a mission in Rio de Janeiro : she have to kill the boss of the favelas, who is the leader of the Somalos gang , and she have to recover weapons and drugs. The mission is a failure. This is the rest : Somebody knocking on the door " Yes come in." " You wanna see me ? What's the problem ?" " The problem ? You ask me what's the problem ?! " She give him dispire look, and answer dryly: " Easy man, How do you want I achieve that ... , you send alone in front of the gangster " Oh sorry, just are told me that you are the best, I brought you from Netherlands, I make you welcome in the Nos Alamos , and now , in front of me , I see a looser. Nos Alamos never loose !!!! " Van Leewelzy Weedy enquire her partner , who stays behind : " Am I not the best ? An I not fight against this Somalos , in his horrible favelas , you obligate me to kill some kids just to brought you weapons."

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