Devoir de Philosophie


Publié le 22/02/2012

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The title character in the book of Daniel in the BIBLE. He is likely based on a fi gure in Canaanite and earlier Hebrew literature. Ancient texts discovered at Ugarit in Syria during the 20th century reveal that, well before any of the Bible was written, the Canaanites knew a legendary hero named Dan'el. This fi gure appears in the biblical book of the prophet EZEKIEL (14.14; 28.3). The book of Daniel records stories and VISIONS. They allegedly took place during the exile of the Judeans in Babylon (586–539 B.C.E.). The book's account of this period is, however, very confused. Much of the book is written in Aramaic, a later language, and it does make detailed and accurate allusions to some later events. Therefore, it is customary to ascribe the book to an anonymous author who lived during the Hasmonean revolt (167–164 B.C.E.). Jews classify Daniel with the Ketuvim or "writings"; Christians consider it a prophetic book. It is unique in the Hebrew Bible in that it is an apocalypse (see APOCALYPTIC LITERATURE). It does not recount historical events. Instead, its purpose was to call the Jewish people to remain faithful to their religious heritage, despite oppression and persecution. In giving reassurance, the book looks forward to a RESURRECTION from the dead (12.2–3). This idea infl uenced later Christians, as did the fi gure of the "Son of Man" (Daniel 7.13; cp. Mark 13.26). The NEW TESTAMENT book of REVELATION borrowed much imagery from Daniel's visions.

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