Devoir de Philosophie

Debat sur le port des armes aux Etats-Unis

Publié le 26/04/2012

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etats unis

Ashley : Hello dear auditor/(listeners), today in April 26th you are with Ashley on Virgin Radio to debate on/ the movie “bowling for columbine " who performs at the moment. That’s why we are in the company of Nicole Smith member of the NRA and the mother of a victim, Mrs Johnson.


Les deux: Hello! Thank you for welcoming us in the office.


Ashley: On the one hand we are going to listen to a brief presentation of Mrs smith.


Nicole: I am member of the RNA. The letters stand for: National Riffle Association. This is lobbying organisation, they are defending the second amendment: The all states that it is a right and even a law to bear a weapon)


Ashley: Ok! It’s true: American citizens are entitled to posses weapons (if they want to).  And what about you Mrs Johnson?


Johnson: I’m the mum of Jonathan (jonathan’s mum ???)  person killed at the shooting happened (take place) at Columbine High school in April 20th, 1999. He was killed by a bullet in the head at the age of 16. I am here to speak in the name of the parents of the casualties. And I try to do something to avoid the slaughter or to try to prevent them from happening.


Ashley: It’s the tragedy which has upset our country. And on the other hand, we come there our main subject (deal with): the movie of Michael Moore “Bowling for Columbine”. What do you think about this film?


Johnson: I find it outrageous and horrifying that persons so young can take weapons to the school to settle their accounts since this slaughters I am against the bearing of the weapon at school and I’m for the detector of weapons.


Ashley: Yes, he could limit the sale or number of weapons. They should training to learn how to use it, be aware of the dangers;


Johnson Yes I have the same opinion, moreover they should decide on an age limit.


Nicole: I don’t share your opinion, it’s not the bearing of the weapon the problem but rather the values taught at school. Teachers, as say it the young people in the movie, depreciate the future of young


Ashley: So Nicole, you think that it’s of the fault of the teaching given by teachers to students can cause these accidents. Mrs Johnson, do you agree?


Johnson: I don’t agree with you. This fact highlights that it doesn’t come only from the education or anything else but it’s simply also our culture and our policy which it is necessary to question. It’s in our country where there is most shooting. Certainly the US isn’t the worst country in terms of firearms killings. Never the less it’s in term of criminality.


Nicole: It’s nut to think that. For my opinion, the gun is necessary for self-defence and therefore to be reassured. It’s not my fault if there are crazy (and people are mentally ill) in the world.


Ashley: Ok Thank you for your participate.


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