Devoir de Philosophie

The strength of difference

Publié le 09/01/2012

Extrait du document


             First of all, unity means togetherness, wholeness, while diversity means variety. In our time, they are seen as two contrasting, or even conflicting themes. On one hand, we seek union, harmony, being together, forgetting our differences and being one, and on the other hand there is individualism and the sense of distinctiveness.

         “Unity in Diversity” is about a balance between wholeness and difference, between integrity and variety, and it can also suggest something very important to us, as human beings, because it can illustrate that things or people don’t have to look, walk, talk and think exactly alike in order to be in union with each other.

         “United we stand, divided we fall”, this adage has been with us since generations. As boundaries diffuse in this ever-shrinking world, unity becomes even more necessary. Only when we unite in spirit, we can truly cope with the challenges we face.

          But, today, we live in a world that emphasizes difference, disunity, and destruction rather than qualities of unity and productive and constructive energy that are required to sustain human societies. To illustrate this, the famous Rousseau’s theory of the social contract assert that individuals unite into political societies by a process of mutual consent, agreeing to abide by common rules and accept corresponding duties to protect themselves and one another from violence and other kinds of harm. Our diversity and differences are our strength. The living example that shows this force is a country full of immigrant, even made up by immigrant, a country that cannot come up with a common identity based on a shared ethnicity. This United States has been called the great melting pot. It is a metaphor to explain how the ingredients of the many races, ethnicities, religions and creeds found in America can come together to become stronger than any one ingredient alone.

        Like any other concept, there are some serious obstacles to unity such as Regionalism or Separatism that creates a parochial outlook and narrow-mindedness and undermined the feeling of unity of the people, and also ego that gives a way to battles and fights that will just lead us to all kind of loss, as the ego speaks, we move further from knowledge and closer to ignorance.

          Eventually, unity and diversity are both qualities to be desired within society. Both, when balanced with one another, provide for the strongest form society in which all are unified under some ideas, but differences are tolerated and accepted, and where cooperation between different groups of people is celebrated in a single society and socio-ecological philosophy that describes a sense of oneness despite physical or psychological barriers.

Throughout the history of all cultures, wounds are healed, diseases are cured, and peace is made when people come together for a common good.



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