Devoir de Philosophie

Arthur Scherbius

Publié le 06/02/2022

Extrait du document

« The one who wiped us out(*) During the second world war, a colossal number of scientists were enlisted for the victory of their respective sides.

Among them are great and famous persons : Alan Turing, Joan Clarke, Conel Hugh O'Donel Alexander and Stewart Menzies.

Yet we are not going to talk today about those heroes, but about the man who put his genius at the service of the Germany. This article is dedicated to the Enigma’s creator : Arthur Scherbius. Arthur Scherbius was born in Francfort in 1878. His father was a wealthy business man.

Arthur studied electrical and engineering at the « Technical University of Munich » then at the « Leibniz University of Hannover » where he completed his studies in March 1903.

The following year, he finalised his thesis on a water turbine system and was awarded a doctorate in engineering. The 23rd of February 1918, he filed a patent for his cipher machine and started to sell it.

At first, the machine was proposed to the German commercial shipping and to the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The company was not successful and was reorganised 2 times during the twenties. Finally, in 1923, Scherbius sold the first version of the Enigma : Enigma-A.

Three others versions will follow and Enigma-D. »


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