Devoir de Philosophie

Elizabeth I (biographie en anglais)

Publié le 27/01/2012

Extrait du document

Elizabeth I was born on September 7, 1533. She was the second daughter of King Henry VIII and her mother was Queen Anne Boleyn. Elizabeth was named after Henry's mother, the consort (l’épouse) to King Henry VII.


The birth of Elizabeth was a disappointment to Henry because she was not a male. The birth of a male heir(héritier) was considered imperative to safety of the House of Tudor. 

« both refused his affections.

Unable to make a match with one of the princesses, he married Catherine Parr.

Although he was married to Catherine, John Dudley actively pursued Elizabeth.

This time enough happened to get Elizabeth expelled from Catherine's court.

Catherine Parr later died in childbed, and the Lord High Admiral was subsequently executed for treason.

Elizabeth loved Catherine Parr dearly.

Catherine was like a mother to Elizabeth, the only mothe r she had ever known and loved.

Soon after Catherine's death, King Edward died and Lady Jane Grey became Queen for nine days, until Elizabeth's half -sister, Mary, " asserted (affirmé) her right to the throne.

Mary ordered Jane Grey executed for treason and to ensure Elizabeth did not gain power, she had her imprisoned in the Tower of London.

Elizabeth suffered greatly under Queen Mary and was in constant danger of being killed.

Queen Mary finally died on November 17, 1558 and Elizabeth was welcomed as Queen .

Mary's reign may have been short, but it was barbaric Queen Mary, in trying to restore England to Catholicism, plunged England into a dark age and left England impoverished (appauvrie).

Queen Elizabeth worked hard to maintain peace and stability and always tried to please her subjects.

She was inspired to create a prospering country.

She wanted to please the common people and the to prove to the other monarchs that she was wise, strong and powerful, even though she was a woman.

She took a brilliant approach to restore some of England' treasury (trésor).

Elizabeth's reign would have been perfect if not for one thing, the death of the King of France.

The Queen Dowager of France, Mary,. »


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