Devoir de Philosophie


Publié le 07/02/2012

Extrait du document

We all know the story of the sorcerer's apprentice or Frankenstein. In these stories, someone who bas special powers over nature conjures or creates a stick or a machine to do his work for him; and theo finds that he cannot take back the life he bas given it. The mindless mouster overwhelms him, and what
began as an invention to do the housework ends by destroying the master with the bouse. These stories have become the epitome of our fears. We have been inventing machines at a growing pace now for about three hundred years. We have made ourselves far more flexible in our adaptation to the outside world than any other animal bas ever been. We can survive in climates which even germs find difficult. We can grow our own food and meat.

« 1.

Commentaire dirigé 1) Why does the contemporary writer compare scientists with the sorcerer's apprentice or Frankenstein? 2) Do you agree with the writer when he declares that "scien­ tists have been a favourite scapegoat"? 3) What are the achievements of science which seem to you: a) most beneficiai to mankind? b) most dangerous to mankind? 4) As a conclusion, do y ou agree with the final statement of the author: "Science has merely provided the means for good or for bad; and society has seized it for bad"? 2.

Version Traduire depuis : "For example, science obviously is not..." jusqu'à la fin du paragraphe.

1) Why does the contemporary writer compare scientists with the sorcerer's apprentice or Frankenstein? Today, we can say that in a certain way, man is overwhelmed by technological and scientific progress.

Scientists have invented machines which were supposed to be the servants of men.

In biology and medicine, for instance, thanks to technical deviees, research has been going on to make man the ruler of natural phenomena.

Yet, in many cases, the machines have become the masters.

Computers have be­ come indispensable but their system is so intricate that in a case of emergency, they cannot be repla- ced by human intelligence.

This is Il s'agit de démontrer comment le progrès scientifique amisl'hom­ me dans une situation paradoxale d'asservis­ sement.

Donc bien mettre en évidence la contradiction entre ce qui aurait du être et ce qui se passe souvent, par une inversion iro­ nique.. »


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