Devoir de Philosophie

Water scarcity

Publié le 26/02/2023

Extrait du document

« Water scarcity 1.

There is a limited amount of water for numerous reasons. Firstly, fresh water only represents 3% of the world’s water.

Moreover water scarcity is indeed an important factor when we talk about water availability.

Currently, the demand of water is greater than the water supply the region or country has.

However physical water scarcity can occur when there is enough water but simply not enough for the growing needs of the population ; especially if the population wishes to practice local activities such as energy production and irrigation.

This is often referred to as « overdevelopment of hydraulic infrastructure ».

Moreover, lake s and rivers have now disappeared since they have either dried up or became to polluted too use.

Climate change also contributes to physical water scarcity and therefore limits the amount of fresh water. 2.

Water scarcity, is defined as the insufficient amount of freshwater to meet the human and environmental demands of a given area.

Given the challenges of population growth, changes in weather patterns due to global warming, many countries and major cities worldwide, both wealthy and poor, face increasing water scarcity in the 21st century.

Water scarcity can be caused by either physical water scarcity or economic water scarcity.

Physical scarcity is related to unavailability of a country or a region to supply the water needed. Factors like climate change and the lack of ressources due to pollution further accentuates water shortages.

Economic scarcity can be defined as a result of a lack of investment in water facilities and of poor management of available water ressources. 3.

The bombing of the Ein el Fijeh water facility could be considered a war crime since it has played a part in a conflict with Syria. In 2016, government forces targeted the water facility of Wadi Barada by cutting off water supply to Damascus.

This led to the forced internal displacement of the facility.

This bombing could be considered a war crime since it led to water scarcity of water.... »


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