Publié le 22/02/2012
Extrait du document
(Argolis) A district in Greece, part of
the northern Peloponnesus, today known as the
Argive Plain. For many centuries Argos dominated
the Peloponnesus, rivaling Athens, Sparta, and
Corinth. It was known as Hera's city from the
magnificent temple built in her honor. In mythology,
Argos was known as the place where the 50 daughters
of Danaus killed their bridegrooms, except for
one, who became the ancestor of Perseus. Another
descendant of these women was the hero Heracles.
Agamemnon was the famous king of Argos and
Mycenae who fought in the Trojan War.
Liens utiles
- Doryphore, le [Polyclète d'Argos] - sculpture.
- Pindare par Willy Borgeaud Professeur à l'Université de Genève Pindare né probablement en 518 avant notre ère, au lieu-dit les Têtes-de-chien, bourg dépendant de Thèbes en Béotie, mourut peut-être en 438 à Argos.
- Mycenae Greek An ancient city of Greece situated in Argos, in the northern Peloponnesus.
- Diomedes (1) Greek Son of Tydeus and successor of Adrastus as king of Argos.
- Agamemnon, héros de la mythologie grecque, roi de Mycènes et d'Argos.