Devoir de Philosophie

Naiads (Naiades) Greek Nymphs of fresh bodies of water, such as springs, wells, brooks, streams, lakes, and marshes.

Publié le 26/01/2014

Extrait du document

Naiads (Naiades) Greek Nymphs of fresh bodies of water, such as springs, wells, brooks, streams, lakes, and marshes. One of the three classifications of water nymphs. The others were the Oceanids, nymphs of the oceans, and the Nereids, nymphs of the Mediterranean Sea. The Naiads were daughters of the Greek river gods. Each Naiad presided over her own body of water and was worshiped for her ability to help and protect people with her water. The Naiads had the power of prophecy, to be able to see into the future. Because of this, the Naiads were said to inspire people who drank from their fountains or streams. They were also the protectors of young girls as they became women. Naiads were very popular with both gods and humans. Many had affairs with the Olympians. Many married human kings and rulers and became mothers to the heroes of mythology. Some of the more prominent of the thousands of Naiads were Minthe, who was loved by Hades, god of the underworld; Styx, loved by the Titan Pallas; and Arethusa, whom Artemis turned into a fountain.

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