Devoir de Philosophie

Olympian gods Greek The 12 (sometimes 13) major deities who lived atop Mount Olympus; the primary gods of the Greek pantheon of classical Greece.

Publié le 26/01/2014

Extrait du document

Olympian gods Greek The 12 (sometimes 13) major deities who lived atop Mount Olympus; the primary gods of the Greek pantheon of classical Greece. Here they are listed in alphabetical order, with their attributes, and their Roman names opposite. Greek names R oman names Aphrodite (love and beauty) Venus Apollo (music; poetry) Apollo Ares (war) Mars Artemis (Moon and Diana hunting) Athene (wisdom) Minerva Demeter (fertility; Ceres corn goddess) Hades* (underworld) Pluto Hephaestus (fire; blacksmith) Vulcan Hera (marriage; women) Juno Hermes (messenger; Mercury commerce; travelers; rogues) Hestia (hearth) Vesta Poseidon (ocean; Neptune earthquakes) Zeus (light; the heavens) Jupiter * Since Hades did not live on Mount Olympus, he is not always counted as an Olympian.

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