Devoir de Philosophie

New deal

Publié le 25/03/2023

Extrait du document

« 5.03A The New Deal This document is the aswer at questions about the New Deal.

They are 4 questions with 2 to 3 sentence responses.

Thanks. The New Deal refers to a series of domestic policies and programs implemented by the U.S.

government under President Franklin D. Roosevelt in response to the Great Depression.

The New Deal was designed to provide relief, recovery, and reform for the American people in a time of economic crisis.

The New Deal consisted of a series of policies and programs, including the establishment of a social security system, the creation of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), the introduction of labor protections, the construction of public works projects, and the implementation of agricultural subsidies. 1.

What are the three things Roosevelt wanted the New Deal to accomplish?2 The first three things Roosevelt wanted the New Deal to accomplish was to provide relief for poor people and unemployed.

Second, he wanted the American economy to be normal again, to retrieve its normal levels.

Finally, he wanted to reform the financial system so he could counter any new possible economic depression.

These things are called the 3 R’s. 3 2.

Explain the two parts of the New Deal (the first New Deal and the Second New Deal). The first New Deal happened in 1933-1934, was mostly a reconstruction the nation economy and offering relief for the banking industry.

The second New Deal happened in 1935-1938, was improving the use of the nation resources. It has created different government programs. 3.

What are two agencies created by the New Deal and what did they do for Americans?4.... »


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