Devoir de Philosophie

violence againt women

Publié le 05/06/2013

Extrait du document

Exposee Theme: violence against women Plan INTRODUCTION I. DEFINITION II. TYPES OF VIOLENCES A. Domestic violence B. Violence in the workplace and sexual harassment C. The gender discrimination III. The causes of violence IV. CONSEQUENCES OF VIOLENCE a) Impact of sexual violence on women's health b) Psycho-social consequences of rape V. Strategies against violence 1. on a professional level 2. on the social level CONCLUSION 163830102870EXPOSANTS CHEIKH OMAR SECK YORO TOP CODOU TOURE 0EXPOSANTS CHEIKH OMAR SECK YORO TOP CODOU TOURE INTRODUCTION Violence against women means all violent individual or collective behavior based solely on a question of gender. Related to gender studies (the study of what is gender specific), the research aims to demonstrate that this type of behavior is based on a social representation of the kind that tolerate or encourage such attacks. They are associated with forced marriages, forced pregnancy and forced abortions, female genital mutilation, stoning, disfigurement with acid and other honor killings, domestic violence and slavery without recourse, rape of ethnic cleansing, sexual slavery, and traditional deprivation or politically tolerated fundamental freedoms and human rights of women. The distinction of this type of violence is out of the feminist movement and the development of gender studies. It is disputed, in principle, by some intellectuals. DEFINITION Many people, communities, humanitarian or political organizations have sought to denounce abuse or aggravated existing solely because of a person belongs to a genus. Usually it is women who are the victims of what is presented as a collective tendency and / or cultural to allow or encourage this type of assault, assault recurring. The various studies and publications to expose this to the public are s...

« I N TRODUCT IO N V io lence agai ns t women means al l v io len t i nd i v i d ua l or col lect ive behav io r based solely on a quest ion of gender.

Rela ted to gender stud ies ( the study of w ha t is gender speci f ic), t he resea rch ai ms to demons t ra te t ha t t h is t ype of behav io r is based on a socia l rep resen ta t ion of t he k i nd t ha t to le ra te or encou rage such a t tacks.

T hey a re associa ted w i t h fo rced ma r r i ages, forced p regnancy and forced abor t ions, fema le gen i ta l mu t i l a t ion, ston i ng, d isf igu remen t w i t h acid and othe r honor k i l l i ngs, domest ic v io lence and slave ry w i t hou t recou rse, rape of eth n ic cleansi ng, sexua l slave ry, and t rad i t iona l dep r i va t ion or pol i t ica l ly to le ra ted fu ndamen ta l f reedoms and h u man r ig h ts of women.

T he d is t i nc t ion of t h is t ype of v iolence is ou t of t he fem i n is t movemen t and t he developmen t of gender stud ies.

I t is d ispu ted, i n p r i nc ip le, by some i n te l lectua ls. I .

DEF I N I T IO N Many people, commun i t ies, h u man i ta r i a n or pol i t ica l organ iza t ions have sough t to denounce abuse or aggrava ted exist i ng solely because of a person belongs to a genus.

Usua l l y i t is women w ho a re t he v ic t i ms of w ha t is p resen ted as a col lect ive tendency and / or cul t u ra l to al low or encou rage t h is t ype of assau l t, assau l t recu r r i ng.

T he va r ious stud ies and pub l ica t ions to expose t h is to t he pub l ic a re speci f ica l ly i n tended to d is t i ngu ish and h igh l igh t t he gender d isc r i m i na to r y phenomenon i ncompa t ib le w i t h t he p r i nc ip les of h u man r ig h ts.

Conven t ion of t he Counci l of E u rope Conven t ion on t he p reven t ion and f igh t aga ins t v io lence agai ns t women and domest ic v io lence def i ne t he te r m "v iolence agai ns t women" shou ld be u nders tood as a v io la t ion of h u man r i gh ts and a fo r m of d isc r i m i na t ion agai ns t women, as any act of gender-based v io lence w h ich cause or a re l i kely to cause women ha r m or suffe r i ng physical, sexua l, psychological or economic na t u re, i nc lud i ng t h rea ts to engage i n such acts, coercion or a rb i t ra r y dep r i va t ion of l i be r ty, w he the r occu r r i ng i n pub l ic or p r i va te l i fe. I I .


Domest ic v iolence T h is fo r m of v io lence is l i ved i n fam i l ies w he re t he man is st i l l considered supe r io r to women.

He re t he customs i nvolved.

T he membe rs of t he h usband's fam i l y ha rass t he i r beau t i f u l sister, daugh te r and he r chi ld ren.

T he h usband i mposes on smal l and big sis te rs of h is w i fe.

A f te r t he deat h of he r h usband, t he woman is d r i ven by he r h usband's fam i l y ( I ncl ud i ng t he beau t i f u l sis te rs) and al l goods a re conf iscated i nc l ud i ng t he sala r y of t he deceased.

T he w i fe wor ks longer t han t he man; she a l most d id no t rest w i t h i ts doub le wor kday (household, f ie lds, off ice, ma r ke t, i n te rcou rse t he n igh t ...).

She gets up early i n t he mo r n i ng to l a te.

I n some cases t he woman is ma r r ied too young w i t hou t h is pe rspect ive, early ma r r i age w i t h an elder ly person w i t hou t h is consen t.

T he i mposi t ion of polygamous ma r r i age, p refe ren t ia l ma r r iage concl uded i n advance w i t hou t t he i r consen t between cousi ns or u ncles and n ieces, nephews, aun ts, bl i nd obedience to man a re al l fo r ms of v iolence agai ns t t he woman.

T he woman is t ra u ma t ized by t he overbea r i ng behav io r and demand i ng of he r h usband (p r i de, supe r io r i t y complex, r i va l r y).

T he man decides alone a t home rega rd less of t he level of educat ion and occupa t ion by women i n society.

Some t r ad i t ions con t i n ue to i mpose FG M.

I ncest con t i n ues to be p rac t iced i n some cases. B.

V iolence i n t he wor kp lace and sexual ha rassmen t. »


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