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Portfolio llce art et contestation How can art denounce prejudices and injustice while supporting black people's fight ?

Publié le 25/04/2024

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« How can art denounce prejudices and injustice while supporting black people's fight ? INTRODUCTION: Today, I'm going to talk about art and protest.

Art can be used as a counter-power through painting, film and music.

It has allowed artists to express their perception of the world and to question the values of our contemporary societies.I will use 6 documents to explain my points, first the song "This is America" by Donald Glover and then the painting "Equal Justice" by Ted Eilis to show the injustices and prejudices in the USA. Also, I will focus on a tweet about Rosa Parks, Ruby Bridges and Kamala Harris then the analysis of a New York Times article, the movie “12 angry men” by Reginald Rose and finally the poem "I, too sing America" by Langson Hughes to show the fight of African Americans. We may wonder how can art denounce prejudices and injustice while supporting black people's fight? First, we will see the injustices and prejudices that African American have always endured in the United States then we will study the fight for equality. DEVELOPMENT: I.

Injustice and prejudice that Afro American have always supported in the USA: Foremost , the history of the United States was marked by slavery and racial segregation, black people did not have the same rights as white people.

Nevertheless, even today, African Americans do not have the same rights as other Americans.

Education, work and housing are the three main inequalities known.

This differentiation causes clashes within the population.

Here, police violence is one of the most present confrontations in the United States.

The song "This is America" denounces the American government that refuses to see the reality. In his song, the artist wanted to represent the life of a black person in the United States. He says at the beginning "We just want to party", we understand that he asks the society if he could also have freedom like working, having fun like the others.

He also talks about drugs, smuggling and guns, which are rampant in the United States.

At the end, he even compares himself to a dog, because he wants to emphasize the fact that the rulers take black people as animals when they are only human.

Indeed, he says "I looked him up in the garden", he is cordider talking about the fact that Man "locks up" dogs, therefore blacks, and then they throw them out, therefore in the street.

We can retain that Donald Glover insists on the fact that it is the spectators who must make their own opinion and thus that all aesthetic and political readings are valid.

He then leaves us free to see the reality.

In conclusion, Childish Gambino's "This is America" demonstrates the importance of videos and how it should not be underestimated.

We need more videos like this that shake us and explain the reality that we live in. Inequalities are also due to justice as represented by the artist Ted Eilis in his work "Equal Justice".

A black woman lawyer is in the center of the painting, where she points to her left, which represents the past, the dark side of justice.

While her right side shows the future, the hope that justice brings.

In the background, we can see the symbols of the United States: the flag and the portrait of the president.

All these elements show the values of justice to the country. Under the window is the jury, which is represented by people of different ages and genders in colorful clothes, while the defendant and the judge are in the shadows with dark clothes. In the background of his work, we can see a door that could represent the exit of this ordeal for the guilty.

However, as indicated in its title, the suspect can be judged with justice.

Indeed, he will not be judged by his skin color but by the evidence and the work of the lawyer.

Through his paintings, he denounces racial prejudice, social inequalities and injustices suffered by the black community, while celebrating their resilience and their fight for equality. Similarly, in “12 Angry Men,” director Sidney Lumet explores racial bias and stereotypes within the American justice system.

The film follows the deliberations of a jury during a trial where a young black man is accused of murder.

Through the.... »


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