Devoir de Philosophie

New religious movements in Africa

Publié le 22/02/2012

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Religious movements that have arisen in Africa starting in the late 19th century. In the past one and a quarter centuries Africans have started thousands of religious movements. The name "new religious movements" may give the wrong impression. Most African new religious movements are actually forms of CHRISTIANITY. North Americans and Europeans have called them "new" because Africans who rejected European and North American control developed and led them. In fact, however, the African movements often resemble the early Christianity described in the BIBLE more than Christianity in North America and Europe does. For example, like the earliest Christians, members of these movements often believe in spirits, whom faith in JESUS allows them to control, and they often heal by the power of PRAYER. Some of these movements are now members of the World Council of Churches (see ECUMENICAL MOVEMENT). Other African new religious movements build upon indigenous or native African traditions. A few have arisen within ISLAM.

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