Devoir de Philosophie

BAC ES - LV1 Anglais

Publié le 06/03/2012

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Le sujet Father Flood was tall; his accent was a mixture of Irish and American. Nothing he said could convince Eilis's mother that she had known him or his family. His mother, he said, had been a Rochford.... I. COMPRÉHENSION 1. Name the characters who are present. 2. What is the main topic of the conversation? (15-20 words) 3. a) What is Eilis's present situation? (15-20 words) b) What had she intended to do before Father Flood's visit? c) Why didn't she carry out her plans? (25-30 words). List 3 reasons. 4. a) What is the reason for Father Flood's visit to Eilis’s house? b) What suggestions did he make as far as her future is concerned? Give his arguments. (30-40 words) c) Explain what Father Flood's general mission consists in? (15-20 words) 5. (l.20-21) “The silence that descended made it clear to Eilis what the others were thinking.” a) In your own words explain what Rose and her mother are thinking. Add two quotes to justify your answer. (40-50 words) b) Describe Eilis's attitude during the scene. Add two quotes to justify your answer. (40-50 words) 6. What vision does Eilis give of England and America at the end of the text? (40-50 words) 7. Translate from l.42 “In the days that followed …” to l.45 “. . . in the summer.” II. EXPRESSION Les candidats traiteront l'UN des deux sujets au choix (indiquer le nombre de mots). (250 mots: +/- 10%) Sujet 1. Imagine the conversation between Eilis and her mother before she leaves to go abroad. OU Sujet 2. We make choices everyday: what may influence us?

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