Devoir de Philosophie


Publié le 07/02/2012

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The original definition of nostalgia, which few recognize today,

is "homesickness". Dlogical though it may be, many people

in their 20s and 30s (1) do feel a longing (2) very much like

homesickness for a time they never knew. lndeed, there seem

to be two kinds of nostalgia, one for youth and one for middle

age and beyond. Most often, those who were adults in the

ancient days before 1960 glanee back with either fondness or

sadness, but rarely with bitter regret. They look at the

past with the secret sense of triumph that comes to ali survivors.

It is tbeir children, members of a supposedly radical generation,

who genuinely hunger for unexperienced past, as if they were

hearing some melancholy automnal horn summoning (3) them

to a place they cao search for but cao never &nd. It is as if

they f'elt cheated for being given their maturity in the sad and

sinister world orthe '70s. For them, as for Wordsworth, there

truly "bath passed away a glory from the earth ".


« architects of France to build eight picturesque peasant farms beside ber Petit Trianon.

They were perfect-right down to porcelain vases from Sèvres used for milking the cows.

Nostalgia selects only wliat is agreeable, and even that it distorts or turns into mytb.

, The past is an illusion just as much as the future; it is utopia in reverse.

The cult of the past may have developed as an antidote to the cult of the future, as a protection against future shock.

TIME, May 3, 1971.

Commentaire dirigé (14 points) 1) Do you think we live in an age of nostalgia? Do you feel nostalgie about anything? 2) Is nostalgia typical of our age, or is it a permanent trait of human nature-a passionate quest for the Golden Age or for a lost paradise? 3) What do you think people usually long for, the period of ti:Ïeir childhood or sorne other period? Give y our reasons.

4) Do you agree or disagree with the author when he says that "the cult of the past may have developed as an antidote to the cult of the future, as a protection against future shock" ? Version (6 points) Traduire depuis "Indeed, there seem to be ...

" jusqu 'à " ...

world of the '70s".

1) Do you think that we live in an age of nostalgia? Do you fee/ nostalgie about anything? Everyone, in the world today, seems to appreciate so much all the comfort and conveniences brought about by the modem techniques and the progress of science, that it is difficult to say that we really live in an age of nostalgia.

Yet recently, a certain trend of thoughts, feelings and ideas, has been directed towards the past.

This cao be felt in as dif­ ferent fields as fashion, culture, art in general, and certain attitudes towards life.

Today's great dress-designers find their. »


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