Devoir de Philosophie


Publié le 22/02/2012

Extrait du document

(1) (Argos) Greek A giant with 100 eyes. He was set by the goddess Hera to watch over the maiden Io, who had been transformed into a beautiful white heifer by the god Zeus. Zeus sent Hermes to rescue Io. Hermes played upon his lute and sang songs until all the eyes of Argus closed in sleep. Then Hermes slew Argus and set Io free. Hera placed the eyes of Argus on the tail of the peacock, where they remain to this day. The peacock was sacred to Hera. Argus (2) (Argos) Greek The builder of the ship Argo and one of the Argonauts. Argus (3) (Argo s) Greek The faithful old dog of Odysseus, who alone recognized his master after 20 years of absence.

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