Devoir de Philosophie

Comparative presentation of schools included in the community study

Publié le 22/02/2012

Extrait du document

  In this sub-chapter the purpose is to provide a cross-country comparative presentation of schools included in the community study by looking at types of schools, their ethnic and social compositions, their approaches towards ethnic diversity and the consequences of the above constellations on everyday life of students in school. In all the participating countries, the selection of schools was driven by the principle that each should represent typical instances of educating an ethnically diverse student population in the locality, where the survey phase of EDUMIGROM has been conducted a couple of months earlier. As a consequence of this research design the selection of the sample for the community studies resulted in a wide range of schools with regard to factors such as their types, ethnic and social composition, approach towards diversity and their position in the local educational market. Depending on the fundamental conception behind the construction of the school systems - whether to keep students together under the umbrella of a comprehensive school during compulsory education, or to employ tracking at an earlier or later age - students in the age group focused on by EDUMIGROM (14-17 years' olds) were attending various school types in the nine participating countries: they attended primary schools (in the samples of Central European countries), comprehensive schools integrating elementary, lower and upper secondary stages (in the samples of Denmark, Sweden and one school in Germany) or secondary schools (samples of the UK, France and Germany). (for more details see also Szalai, Messing, Neményi 2010).

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