123 résultats pour "massachusetts"
- Sullivan John Lawrence, 1858-1918, né à Roxbury (Massachusetts), boxeur américain.
- Gardner Earle Stanley , 1889-1970, né à Malden (Massachusetts), écrivain américain.
- Goddard Robert Hutchings, 1882-1945, né à Worcester (Massachusetts), physicien américain.
- Cummings Edward Estlin, 1894-1962, né à Cambridge (Massachusetts), écrivain américain.
- Thoreau Henry David , 1817-1862, né à Concord (Massachusetts), écrivain américain.
- Berberian C athy , 1925-1983, née à Attleboro (Massachusetts), artiste lyrique américaine.
- Lemmon (John Uhler, dit Jack), né en 1925 à Boston (Massachusetts), acteur américain.
- Morse Samuel Finley Breese , 1791-1872, né à Charlestown (Massachusetts), physicien américain.
- Poe Edgar Allan, 1809-1849, né à Boston (Massachusetts), écrivain américain.
- Franklin Benjamin, 1706-1790, né à Boston (Massachusetts), homme politique et savant américain.
- Davis (Ruth Elizabeth , dite Bette), 1908-1989, née à Lowell (Massachusetts), actrice américaine.
- Bernstein Leonard , 1918-1990, né à Lawrence (Massachusetts), pianiste, chef d'orchestre et compositeur américain.
- Jenney (William Le Baron ), 1832-1907, né à Fairhaven (Massachusetts), architecte américain, membre de l'école de Chicago.
- Whorf Benjamin Lee, 1897-1941, né à Winthrop (Massachusetts), linguiste etethnologue américain.
- Kerouac (Jean-Louis, dit Jack), 1922-1969, né à Lowell (Massachusetts), écrivain américain.
- Whistler James Abbott McNeill , 1834-1903, né à Lowell (Massachusetts), peintre et graveur américain.
- Carnegie (Andrew) Industriel et philanthrope américain d'origine écossaise (Dunfermline, Écosse, 1835 - Lenox, Massachusetts, 1919).
George Herbert Walker Bush.
Lebanon. More troubling was the disclosure that agents operating under direct White House supervision used profits from the arms sales to buy weapons for thecontras, a group of anti-government Nicaraguan rebels, despite an explicit congressional ban on such aid. Bush later claimed that he opposed the arms-for-hostagesdeal, but offered little evidence to back his claims ( see Iran-Contra Affair). C 1988 Presidential Election While the Reagan-Bush program helped produce prosperity for the wealth...
George Herbert Walker Bush - USA History.
Lebanon. More troubling was the disclosure that agents operating under direct White House supervision used profits from the arms sales to buy weapons for thecontras, a group of anti-government Nicaraguan rebels, despite an explicit congressional ban on such aid. Bush later claimed that he opposed the arms-for-hostagesdeal, but offered little evidence to back his claims ( see Iran-Contra Affair). C 1988 Presidential Election While the Reagan-Bush program helped produce prosperity for the wealth...
Constitution of the United States.
chief executive should have the power to veto legislation, should be elected by Congress or the people, should be eligible to run for reelection, and should command thearmed forces. Some delegates even hoped for a limited monarchy. Not until September 8, more than three months after the convention started, did the final shape ofthe presidency emerge: a single leader, elected to a four-year term and eligible for reelection, with authority to veto bills enacted by Congress. The president was alsog...
Constitution of the United States - U.
chief executive should have the power to veto legislation, should be elected by Congress or the people, should be eligible to run for reelection, and should command thearmed forces. Some delegates even hoped for a limited monarchy. Not until September 8, more than three months after the convention started, did the final shape ofthe presidency emerge: a single leader, elected to a four-year term and eligible for reelection, with authority to veto bills enacted by Congress. The president was alsog...
- Holmes Oliver Wendell , 1809-1894, né à Cambridge (Massachusetts), écrivain américain, professeur d'anatomie et de physiologie à Harvard.
- Marciano ( Rocco Francis Marchegiano, d it Rocky), 1923-1969, né à Brockton (Massachusetts), boxeur américain d'origine italienne.
- Emerson Ralph Waldo, 1803-1882, né à Boston (Massachusetts), penseur et poète américain, d'abord pasteur unitarien à Boston.
- Adams John, 1735-1826, né à Quincy (Massachusetts), deuxième président des États-Unis (1797-1801), fédéraliste et partisan de George Washington, à qui il succéda.
Rhode Island - geography.
C (73° F). Along the northern state line, the January mean temperature is about 1° C (about 2° F) colder than in Warwick in January. Along the ocean coast, theJanuary mean temperature is -1° C (30° F). Warm season temperatures are also influenced by the ocean and bay, so temperatures are usually cooler along the coastthan in the interior. The difference tends to be greatest in spring and early summer. Winter temperatures in Rhode Island are usually above -7° C (20° F), buttemperatures colder by...
Rhode Island - USA History.
C (73° F). Along the northern state line, the January mean temperature is about 1° C (about 2° F) colder than in Warwick in January. Along the ocean coast, theJanuary mean temperature is -1° C (30° F). Warm season temperatures are also influenced by the ocean and bay, so temperatures are usually cooler along the coastthan in the interior. The difference tends to be greatest in spring and early summer. Winter temperatures in Rhode Island are usually above -7° C (20° F), buttemperatures colder by...
Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika - geographie.
Zu den bekanntesten Säugetierarten der Vereinigten Staaten gehören Bisons, Wapitis (amerikanische Rothirsche), Elche, Braunbären (mit den Unterarten Grizzlybär undKodiakbär), Schwarzbären, Pumas, Wölfe, Kojoten und Nordamerikanische Biber; in den Prärien sind Präriehunde verbreitet. Lebten um 1800 noch rund 40 Millionen Bisonsin den Prärien Nordamerikas, waren es 100 Jahre später nur noch etwa 1 000. Heute hat sich der Bestand aufgrund strenger Schutzvorschriften erholt und liegt bei etwa200 000...
Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika - geographie.
Zu den bekanntesten Säugetierarten der Vereinigten Staaten gehören Bisons, Wapitis (amerikanische Rothirsche), Elche, Braunbären (mit den Unterarten Grizzlybär undKodiakbär), Schwarzbären, Pumas, Wölfe, Kojoten und Nordamerikanische Biber; in den Prärien sind Präriehunde verbreitet. Lebten um 1800 noch rund 40 Millionen Bisonsin den Prärien Nordamerikas, waren es 100 Jahre später nur noch etwa 1 000. Heute hat sich der Bestand aufgrund strenger Schutzvorschriften erholt und liegt bei etwa200 000...
American Literature: Poetry
Phyllis McGinley
American poet and author Phyllis McGinley composed light, witty verse, much of which deals with family life.
Taylor, a poet of great technical skill, wrote powerful meditative poems in which he tested himself morally and sought to identify and root out sinful tendencies. In“God's Determinations Touching His Elect” (written 1680?), one of Taylor’s most important works, he celebrates God's power in the triumph of good over evil in thehuman soul. All of Taylor’s poetry and much of Bradstreet’s served generally personal ends, and their audience often consisted of themselves and their family andclosest frie...
Supreme Court of the United States.
The Constitution does not specify formal qualifications for membership on the Supreme Court. From the beginning, though, justices have all been lawyers, and mostpursued legal and political careers before serving on the Court. Many justices served as members of Congress, governors, or members of the Cabinet. One president,William Howard Taft, was later appointed chief justice. Some justices came to the Court from private law practice, and others were appointed from positions as lawprofessors. Man...
Kennedy (John Fitzgerald) Homme d'Etat américain
126 Kennedy (John Fitzgerald) 1 John Fitzgerald Kennedy, trente-cinquième président des ~tats-Unls, mort assassiné trois ans après avoir été élu, symbolise une période de l'histoire marquée par un essor économique qui a pu faire croire que le capitalisme américain entrait dans son âge d'or et allait résoudre dans l'euphorie ses problèmes intérieurs (affrontements raciaux) et internationaux (guerre froide). 2 Né le 29 mai 1917 à Brookline, dans le...
Précocement indépendants, nés des courants migratoires les
plus variés fondus grâce au melting-pot, épris de libertés
démocratiques, persuadés de la supériorité du capitalisme libéral,
dotés de ressources abondantes, les États-Unis conservent leur
rôle de superpuissance.
suprême s'appelle la « Court of Appeals », les cours d'appel prennent le nom de « Appelate Courts » et les tribunaux de première instance, celui de « Supreme Courts ». Il n'existe pas de vraie hiérarchie entre les tribunaux fédéraux et les tribunaux des États de l'Union. Toutefois, en cas de divergence profonde sur un point de droit important entre les différents États, la Cour suprême des États-Unis peut accepter de juger une affaire sur pourvoi contre une décision de Cour suprême d'un...
Nordamerikanischer Unabhängigkeitskrieg - Geschichte.
lediglich den Handel kontrollieren dürfen. Der Kongress verabschiedete außerdem die Continental Association, die alle Kolonien dazu aufforderte, bis zur Zurücknahme der Coercive Acts den Handel mit Großbritannien zu unterlassen. Anschließend vertagte sich der Kongress auf den Mai 1775; zu diesem Zeitpunkt hatte der Krieg zwischen Großbritannien und den Kolonien bereits begonnen. 4 LEXINGTON UND CONCORD Die ersten bewaffneten Auseinandersetzungen des Nordamerikanischen Unabhängigkeitskrieges...
Kennedy (John Fitzgerald)
Homme d'Etat américain
* 29.5.1917, Brookline, Massachusetts
+ 22.11.1963, Dallas, Texas
Diplômé de l'université de Harvard, il...
Kennedy (John Fitzgerald) Homme d'Etat américain * 29.5.1917, Brookline, Massachusetts + 22.11.1963, Dallas, Texas Diplômé de l'université de Harvard, il participe à la Seconde Guerre mondiale en tant qu'officier de marine. Il est élu député démocrate à la chambre des Représentants entre 1947 et 1953, puis sénateur du Massachusetts en 1953. Vainqueur du républicain Richard M. Nixon lors des élections primaires de 1960, il est le premier président catholique des Etats-Unis. Afin de relancer l'exp...
that “the history of our nation has demonstrated that separate is seldom, if ever, equal,” in affirming that homosexuals are entitled to the same rights of marriage asheterosexuals. On May 17, 2004, same-sex marriages became legal in Massachusetts, and authorities there began to marry gay couples. State legislators pledged toamend the state constitution to ban gay marriage but allow civil unions. Such an amendment would require voter approval. A growing number of local governments and private co...
Stem Cell.
The medical profession used adult stem cells to treat diseases long before anyone isolated one. In 1968 scientists performed the first successful bone marrowtransplant, a procedure in which a patient receives an infusion of healthy bone marrow cells. The purpose of such transplants is to restore the blood-making capabilitiesof the patient’s diseased bone marrow after extremely strong chemotherapy has destroyed that bone marrow. From the beginning investigators suspected that stemcells in the inf...
William Henry Harrison.
in September 1813, Harrison recaptured the city of Detroit, which the British had taken in 1812. The following month he overtook the British and Tecumseh's forces onthe Thames River in Canada. He captured the entire British force. Tecumseh was killed, and his forces were routed. Harrison's triumph on the Thames, although won over inferior forces badly placed, was vitally important because the victory secured the Northwest from the threat of aBritish invasion from Canada. It also added considerab...
William Henry Harrison
in September 1813, Harrison recaptured the city of Detroit, which the British had taken in 1812. The following month he overtook the British and Tecumseh's forces onthe Thames River in Canada. He captured the entire British force. Tecumseh was killed, and his forces were routed. Harrison's triumph on the Thames, although won over inferior forces badly placed, was vitally important because the victory secured the Northwest from the threat of aBritish invasion from Canada. It also added considerab...
Richard Nixon.
As President Eisenhower neared the end of his second term, his vice president emerged as his logical successor, and the president endorsed Nixon in March. Nixonreceived an impressive vote in party primaries, and at the Republican National Convention, held in Chicago in July, he received all but ten of the delegates’ votes on thefirst ballot. Nixon chose as his running mate the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, Henry Cabot Lodge of Massachusetts. An unusual feature of the campaign wasa serie...
Richard Nixon
As President Eisenhower neared the end of his second term, his vice president emerged as his logical successor, and the president endorsed Nixon in March. Nixonreceived an impressive vote in party primaries, and at the Republican National Convention, held in Chicago in July, he received all but ten of the delegates’ votes on thefirst ballot. Nixon chose as his running mate the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, Henry Cabot Lodge of Massachusetts. An unusual feature of the campaign wasa serie...
From "Resistance to Civil Government" - anthology.
intending it, as God. A very few—as heroes, patriots, martyrs, reformers in the great sense, and men—serve the state with their consciences also, and so necessarily resist it for the most part; and they are commonly treated as enemies by it. A wise man will only be useful as a man, and will not submit to be “clay,” and “stop a holeto keep the wind away,” but leave that office to his dust at least: “I am too high born to be propertied,To be a second at control,Or useful serving-man and instr...
British Empire .
B1 The Seven Years’ War During the Seven Years’ War in Europe (1756-1763), Britain made large imperial gains at the expense of France. The North American segment of the Seven Years’ Warwas known as the French and Indian War. It was launched by the British against French possessions in North America in 1754, and in 1758 the British captured theFrench fortress of Louisbourg, which gave them access to French territory in the St. Lawrence Valley. In the following year Québec was captured, marking t...
Thomas Jefferson
Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826), third president of the United States (1801-1809) and author of the Declaration of Independence.
Jefferson was a poor speaker, but his literary talents made him a highly valued member of committees when resolutions and other public papers were drafted. Heemerged as the recognized author of the patriot cause in Virginia and indeed in the whole of the colonies. Jefferson's first public paper, however, was considered toostiff and formal, and it was rewritten. The paper was a response to the greeting of the new governor, Lord Botetourt, to the General Assembly. Jefferson, who nevertook criticis...
Thomas Jefferson.
Jefferson was a poor speaker, but his literary talents made him a highly valued member of committees when resolutions and other public papers were drafted. Heemerged as the recognized author of the patriot cause in Virginia and indeed in the whole of the colonies. Jefferson's first public paper, however, was considered toostiff and formal, and it was rewritten. The paper was a response to the greeting of the new governor, Lord Botetourt, to the General Assembly. Jefferson, who nevertook criticis...
Thomas Jefferson
Jefferson was a poor speaker, but his literary talents made him a highly valued member of committees when resolutions and other public papers were drafted. Heemerged as the recognized author of the patriot cause in Virginia and indeed in the whole of the colonies. Jefferson's first public paper, however, was considered toostiff and formal, and it was rewritten. The paper was a response to the greeting of the new governor, Lord Botetourt, to the General Assembly. Jefferson, who nevertook criticis...
Thomas Jefferson - USA History.
Jefferson was a poor speaker, but his literary talents made him a highly valued member of committees when resolutions and other public papers were drafted. Heemerged as the recognized author of the patriot cause in Virginia and indeed in the whole of the colonies. Jefferson's first public paper, however, was considered toostiff and formal, and it was rewritten. The paper was a response to the greeting of the new governor, Lord Botetourt, to the General Assembly. Jefferson, who nevertook criticis...
Amerikanische Literatur (Sprache & Litteratur).
toleranten Aufklärers Kritik sowohl am Christentum wie auch am Atheismus, wobei ersteres heftige Reaktionen von Seiten des amerikanischen Publikums nach sich zog.Äußerst stark rezipiert hingegen wurde die gegen England gerichtete Satire M’Fingal (1775-1782) des Rechtsgelehrten und Dichters John Trumbull. Politisch engagierte Lyrik schrieb auch der vielseitig interessierte Dichter Philip Morin Freneau, dessen allegorisches Gedicht The House of Night (1779) Merkmale der in der Romantik verbrei...
Bush George
Homme d'Etat américain
* 12.6.1924, Milton, Massachusetts
La carrière politique de ce riche industriel du pétrole débute en...
Bush George Homme d'Etat américain * 12.6.1924, Milton, Massachusetts La carrière politique de ce riche industriel du pétrole débute en 1966, lorsqu'il entre en tant que membre du parti républicain à la Chambre des représentants. Ambassadeur des Etats-Unis auprès des Nations Unies de 1971 à 1973, chef du bureau de liaison à Pékin de 1974 à 1975, il prend ensuite la direction de la CIA, avant de retrouver le monde des affaires lors de l'élection de Carter à la présidence des Etats-Unis en 1976. V...
Gropius Walter
Architecte allemand
* 18.5.1883, Berlin
+ 5.7.1969, Boston, Massachusetts
Avec Le Corbusier et Ludwig Mies van der Rohe,...
Gropius Walter Architecte allemand * 18.5.1883, Berlin + 5.7.1969, Boston, Massachusetts Avec Le Corbusier et Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, Gropius est l'un des chefs de file de la modernité en architecture. Il influence profondément l'architecture fonctionnelle, ainsi que l'esthétique de la construction et de la production industrielle de masse (design industriel). Sa première oeuvre connue est l'usine Fagus à Alfeld an der Leine (1911), conçue avec Adolf Meyer (* 1881, + 1929) ; elle devient le mo...