Devoir de Philosophie

continuum notes

Publié le 27/10/2014

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Notes : continuum Context : Allen Curnow, born in 1911 and died in 2001 in Timaru, New Zealand. He was born in a highly religious family, received a religious education and attended for a short time a Theological College. He quickly put an end to his pious education and chose a different path, a career as journalist. Allen Curnow later on drifted to a poet career. His most important work is an anthology of poems named "Continuum: New and Later poems" which he wrote between 1972 and 1988. His poems mainly revolve around the themes of religion, myth and symbolism. Overall: In this poem, Allen Curnow writes about his sleeplessness caused by a lack of inspiration...

« The whole structrure of the poem is due to the fact tat he is tired, drousy… Time : • Time is not measurable  “A long moment stretches, the next one is not time” A moment can’t be late, image of how time passes out during the night + He is lost and tired, the way he expects time to be like in the poem is not reality.

“ Religion: The poem is composed of seven stanzas, which may refer to the seven days of the creation of the world.

With the six days of creating and the seventh day for resting.

In the 7th stanza, the poet goes to sleep.

This is an important religious reference because it slinks to the fact that he rests on the seventh day. The “sky” is the permanent residence of god = heaven.

It is an other religion to God, who is the source of all inspiration and creation. Identity: The poet writes about himself; but In the last stanza there is a conflict in identity, The poet and insomniac man, separe at his end  “Close the door behing the author” our interpretation is that he is confused about himself and who he is.. »


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