Devoir de Philosophie

Histoire inventé en anglais

Publié le 03/12/2013

Extrait du document

Le 24 décembre 1996 , la veille de noël, un tragique événement à eu lieu dans la célèbre banque de New York. Mary Hochner et Jason Tayleur sont deux amis de longues dates. Mary qui vient de perdre son mari avec qui elle ne s'entendait plus du tout car ce dernier l'avait surpris avec Jason et comprit alors que sa chère épouse n'avait yeux que pour l'argent. Etant anéantit de cette nouvelle, Harry son mari avait legué tout ses biens à sa chère soeur laissant sa femme sans aucun sous. Son rapprochement avec le jeune homme était juste une distraction sachant que l'homme était follement amoureux d'elle, elle savait que tous ses souhaits seront réalisés. La veuve se mit alors en complot avec son amant qui travaille à la banque pour la braquer. Le petit ami connaissant toutes les combines et caméras du lieu se laissa tenter par les désirs de cette belle manipulatrice qui avait pour argument : "quand nous aurons tout cet argent, nous partirons vivre loin d'ici, moi et toi, nous vivrons l'amour fou". Le jour venu, Mary aidée par deux autres fugitives, toutes les trois cagouleés et armeés, s'introduisent dans la banque. C'était la panique totale, les gens présents &l...

« December 24th, 1996, the day before Christmas a tragic event is taken place in the famous bank of New York.

Mary Hochner and Jason Tayleur are two friends of long dates.

Mary, who has just lost her husband with whom she got on no more because the latter had surprised her with Jason and understood while his dear wife had eyes only for money.

Being annihilates of this new, Harry, had to bequeath quite his properties to her dear sister leaving his wife without money. His link with the young man was just an entertainment knowing that the man was madly in love of her, she knew that all her wishes will be realized.

The widow put himself then in plot with her lover who works in the bank for the to hold up.

The boyfriend knowing all the tricks and the cameras of the place was allowed try by the desires of this beautiful manipulator which had for argument: " when we shall have all this money, we shall living far from here, me and you, shall live the wild love ".

The come day, Mary helped by two other fugitives, every three hooded and armed, get into the bank.

It was the total panic, present people has this moment, found themselves all face downward on the ground, nobody not been able to activate the alarm by fear of being shot.

The young woman advanced then on the counter or worked her lover and ordered him to go to open safes, what he made with no problem at all being to give that he makes left the plot.

Both fugitives returned two big bags where they emptied quite safes, but any jolt the alarm rings, they rushed to the exit luckily the police was not still there.

They left leaving the lover.

No dead man such is the only positive point of this lock. Not long after the persons present were quite questioned without forgetting Jason who declared credit note followed the instructions of the hold-up by fear.

The policemen having no proofs, none of the cameras was saved left the witnesses of this drama left at their home serenely two days pleased late for Christmas.. »


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